Servants at Emo Court

Servant Life at Emo

House Staff at Emo

Demesne Workers at Emo

Servants at Emo Court House Staff in1901 Outdoor Staff
Servant Ranks House Staff in 1911 The Agent or Land Steward
The Invisible servant Governesses Gamekeepers
Servant Life(Work,Play,Lodgings,Perks) House Steward Demesne Workers and Farm Labourers
Hiring Servants Housekeeper Gardens & Gardeners
Servant's Ball 1892 The Butler Gatekeeper
Sources for Servants at Emo The Valet Hierarchy of Servants
Wills of the Earls 3rd&5th Lady's Maid Dairy maid
Names of Servants and Labourers at Emo Court 1787-1920 The Footman Grooms, coachmen, stableboys & blacksmiths
Food in the Servants' Hall The Cook Lord Portarlington & Tenants
Servants Emo Court 1787-1920(pdf) Nannies & Nursemaids