
Outdoors/The Gardens

Indoors/The House

Trees&Plant Life
Animal & Insect Life
Visiting the House
History & Emo Court
Detailed Study of One Tree SquirrelsW1 Object Detective Deer's Foot Fr.Browne Crossword
Trees at Emo Picsquiz Squirrels W 2 Object Detective Game Store Roman Numerals
Clucker Trees Quiz Squirrel Features Object Detective Tigers Dinner 1
Hidden Nature Quiz PDF Red Squirrel Endangered Object Detective Plate Bucket Dinnermaths2
Bark/Leaf rubbing Squirrel Scavenger Hunt Object Detective Pole Screen Dinnermaths3
Descriptive Trees Bat Multiple ChoiceQuiz Object Detective Cellarette Maid's Day
Bats True or False House Visit Dinner for 8
  Beehive Saloon/Library Cloze Victorian servants(Did you know)
  Red and Grey Squirrel Talk Leisure Time at EmoCourt Come to the Ball
Visual arts & Statues
Walks & Trails
Statue Picsquiz Circular Walk True or False at Emo Court Emo Cloze Test
Jigsaw(Horse Race) Geometric Shapes
Statues Crossword Nature Trail Know,Want to Know,Learned Headlines (Cursive)
Sculpture Trail Tree trail Vista Match up Headlines (Script)
Beaters Jigsaw Tree trail..The Clochar Wordsearch Jigsaw(Emo court)
Visual Arts Trail at Emo Court
Colouring pages
Puzzle page Sound Pictures
Art Detective 1Questions Lakeside What kind of House do I live in ? Spot Mistake
Art Detective 2 Quickpick Emo Housefront Spot DifferenceHouse Viscount Carlow Diary 1
Art Detective Joseph Israels Duck Viscount Carlow Diary 2