Bacchus,Ceres,and Polyhymnia

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Bacchus,Ceres, and Polyhymnia

Bacchus was the Roman God of wine, known as Dionysus to the Greeks. He represents the social and beneficial effects of wine, as well as its intoxicating power. He is usually represented, as in the case of the statue in Emo Court, with a bunch of grapes in one hand. A vine climbs up beside him.
The statue at Emo Court is in the area known appropriately as the Grapery, which forms the right side of the vista from the house towards the Golden Gates. When the house was first built, there was a hop garden here.
At the back of Emo Court, on the garden facade under the portico, there is a plasterwork frieze showing a procession led by Bacchus.
It is suggested that the statue in front of the beech trees at the end of the yew tree walk in the formal garden is that of Ceres
Ceres was the Roman goddess of agriculture and grain, a kind and benevolent goddess also known for her motherly love. She was known to the Greeks as Demeter. She was loved for her service to mankind in giving the gift of the harvest.
The Romans had a saying "Fit for Ceres", meaning "excellent, splendid".
Ceres is often depicted holding a sceptre or farming tool in one hand, and a basket of flowers, fruit or grain in the other. Sometimes she wears a garland made from ears of corn. In Emo, there appears to be a tree stump with a vine entwined at her right side.
The word Cereals is derived from her name.
Polyhymnia in Greek myth was the Muse of Sacred Poetry, and also of Agriculture. She is often pictured with her finger to her mouth, as though in thought.
This statue is cast in bronze and was purchased by Cholmeley Harrison. The statue was cast in bronze by Von C Kesseler c.1850 (see side of pedestal)
The statue of Polyhymnia is found at the centre back of the house in the middle of the lawns.
